My life in words (and pictures)... as a wife, momma, teacher, techie nerd, foodie, and trivia geek.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pantry Challenge Day 9

We finally cheated... really cheated.  But it's one of those things that ends up working out for the better and then you're glad you did it.

I had a meeting after school and didn't get home until 5.  Hubby was already home with the Boy, who met me at the door with a grin and then ran off to show me the Cheerios he'd wrestled out of the box and was snacking on.  I'd already warned Hubby that we needed to go to the store, because Nana was about out of food and snacks for the Boy at her house, and there were a few things he needed at ours, too.

Off we head, to HEB... get there and it's nearly 6 pm, the Boy's regular dinnertime, and we're both hungry, too, so we decide to give up our dollar for the day and get their "Cafe on the Run" deal to eat in their little dining room area.  They have a "blue plate special" for $5.99 every day, and it's a meat and two sides.  Today there was a coupon for $1 off, so we each got one, with Boy-friendly foods, and ate our dinner before we did our shopping... $12 for dinner for the three of us, not too bad.

We did ok with the groceries, but cheated on a couple of things... me because pregnancy cravings took over on a couple items, and Hubby because he said if I got something, he should too.  Haha.  I got thumbprint cookies from the bakery (pecan sandies with chocolate icing piped on top, one of my all-time favorites), Hubby got Oreos, and together we bought some coffee creamer (sorry, that's like milk in our house, and when you run out, there's no doing-without just for some pantry challenge), and I bought heavy cream and blueberries to make homemade creme brulee.  I think that was all the cheating as far as groceries are concerned... the Boy got lots of goodies, some new things to try and some regular staples we know he likes...

OK now for the part where I tell you why it was ok (and even good) that we cheated and didn't come home from the store and cook something.  On the way home, we're cruising along and see this Cadillac XLR (the little sporty 2-door one) ALL OVER the road.  I mean, across three lanes of traffic, nearly hitting other cars and the retainer wall, the works.  So, Hubby being a State Trooper, he calls dispatch to get someone out to stop this drunk, and the Boy and I are along for the ride.  I start filming the driving, in case they need it later, while Hubby is giving the play-by-play to the dispatch and we keep following to make sure they don't get away.  They keep slowing down to 25 mph, then nearly stopping in the middle of intersections, going into oncoming traffic... pretty bad.  So when they finally get this lady stopped, we have to hang around for a bit (the Boy and I in the car, and Hubby out giving his statement to the local PD officer), and end up not getting home until almost 8 pm!  Pretty glad we didn't have to then come in and cook dinner for the Boy and find ourselves something, too!

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